If you would like to make your payment through Western Union, you should locate the nearest Western Union office either by going to their website and clicking on "Find Agent Location" or by telephone by dialing 1-800-CALL-CASH. You will need to bring your payment in cash plus $12.95* for the service fee. Some locations will allow you to make a payment by debit/credit card, which may have an additional service charge. Ask the Western Union representative for a Quick Collect form and fill out the following information:
Your Name, Address and MAA Account number
Code City: AUTOVEST for Autovest, ACCLD for ACC
Code State: MI
Once the transaction is completed, retain the Money Transfer Control Number and call Michael Andrews & Associates at 1-800-420-3657 to confirm receipt of payment.
* Subject to change by Western Union. "1-800-CALL-CASH" is a service mark of Western Union Holdings, Inc.